Samadhi | ~ Dispassionate absorption ~ Spacious focus | 1. It sees: coming together is falling apart. 2. Serene surrendering to the ceaseless. 3. The luminous merging of mind and not-mind. |
Samjña | ~ (Mis)Recognition ~ Receiving the given | 1. To see the seer in the seeing. 2. There is a seeing that only appears when the seer disappears—an ecstatic vision of no-one seeing nothing. 3. The ego’s cunning—it doesn’t see itself seeing itself in everything it sees. 4. The bigger the ego, the bigger the blindspot. (Just as the seen is conditioned by the unseen, seeing is conditioned by unseeing.) |
everyone having become someone else, no-one recognizes nobody
And this time he returned
dressed up as JJ
dressed up as Will S James, B.A., B.S.
dressed up as Willy Nilly Williams
dressed up as Carlos the Chuckle
dressed up as Jackie O’Bean
dressed up as Ben Di Stiller
dressed up as Clyff Stijl
dressed up as O. Henry Ford
dressed up as the Marquise of K
dressed up as Mark K. Mark
dressed up as Valjeanne d’Arc
dressed up as Jasper Johnny
dressed up as Casper the friendly toaster
dressed up as Kasper Howser
dressed up as Cassandra Troy
dressed up as Sandra Burntout
dressed up as a Saint Bernard-O
dressed up as Saint-John’s Pears
dressed up as Charles Sandy Purse
dressed up as Kernel Sanders
dressed up as Rebel Nell
dressed up as Upstart Little
dressed up as Headless Charlie
dressed up as the Heedless Hearsemen
dressed up as Assman Gassy
dressed up as Manowar Ray
dressed up as Raymoon Rustle
dressed up as Ernie, Bert and Rassle
dressed up as Humpty Humbert
dressed up as Angelbear Humperdinky
dressed up as Friedrich’s Angels
dressed up as Rica Reis
dressed up as Orson Scatcar
dressed up as Riddling Scot
dressed up as Bo Diddle Diddley
dressed up as Tiny Tom Peep
dressed up as Sir Giant Pepper
dressed up as the Peeperment Party
dressed up as the Multiplying Piper
dressed up as…
No wonder no one recognized him!
Samkalpa | ~ Desire to attain, obtain, contain ~ Habitual inclining | 1. Desire’s perverse preference for satisfaction over happiness. 2. What is the cherished self but a confusion of crossed intentions? 3. The elusive peace of intentionlessness. 4. To widen the gap between intending and acting, do to do not in order to. |
Samskara | ~ The comforting familiarity of form ~ Petrified transformations | 1. Form a vanishing point denying its origin in the infinite circle of formation. (Effusing form’s myriad names, the anonymity of formation.) 2. In the mind form effaces formation. This is called artifice. In the world form dissolves in formation. This is called realizing. (Where there is mind, there is form. When the mind withdraws, formlessness remains, that is to say, ceaseless formation.) |
Sangha | ~ Community building ~ Togethering | 1. Be-coming together to build the coming community. (With the encouragement of community comes the courage of solitude, the bliss of solitude rejoining the joy of the common good.) |
If you are me, who am I?
The Pseudos
George formerly known as Marian
George formerly known as Amandine
Pierre formerly known as Isak formerly known as Blixen
The Impostors
Koko Canaletto
S’now Rrose Sélavy
PomFritz Mabuse
The Impersonators
The Nomdeguerres
Jehanne “Heurēka” Darc
Ha-Hua Mulan
Catalogina de Erauso
Come no-one, Come fall
Come nowhere, Come nothing
Become as you aren’t
Dance the music of chance
Saranam | ~ Taking refuge in reality ~ Renouncing utopia | 1. To be as hopeless and fearless as the grass. 2. Home the lie at the heart of all stories. (Roaming the heart’s true refuge.) |
Servitudo | ~ The desire to obey ~ The desire to master | 1. The master cannot escape from the suffering of the slave. (Where the slave goes, the master must follow.) |
Shamatha | ~ Reposing in reality ~ Stopping | 1. a. The wisdom of hesitation. b. To interrupt the momentum of habit. (The habit of making habits the hardest habit to break.) c. A new direction always starts with a pause. 2. a. No stopping, no going. b. All doing that is not mere doing must arise from not-doing. c. If you don’t drop what you’re doing, how can you pick up what’s happening? 3. To stop bargaining with life. |
Where o where?
Ambrose Acosta’s Beers
Amelia Lindbergh
Abbie Hoffa
1888 Whitechapel
1990 Saint Patrick’s Day, Trimountaine
2666 El Paso del Norte
Goldbach Variations
Twin Prime Conjuncture
Happy Ending Problem
Cone of Mystery
The found in the lost,
The ghost in the wound,
The round in the triangle-bound, mysterious koan.
Shunyata | ~ Emptiness ~ Fullness | 1. The emptiness that passeth understanding. Shantih shantih shantih. 2. What reality said. 3. Every noun is a verb in disguise (or a preposition). 4. At the intersection of emptiness and impermanence, the ecstasy of groundlessness. |
Skandhas | ~ Heapings ~ Composition | 1. My pile, your pile—the delusion of mine, the illusion of me. 2. I call this pile my self, that pile the other—but it could have been otherwise. 3. There is gathering, there is scattering. (It’s gattering.) |
Smriti | ~ Minding the world, worlding the mind ~ The flux of namelessness | 1. To give what is the space to become what it must. 2. To imagine happiness is to be separated from it. (Joy’s incommensurability—nothing to add, nothing to take away; no dividing, no multiplying.) |
resolving, dissolving
Quantum and Particle
On the Energy Spectrum and Other Rainbow Connections
A Heuristic Point of View Concerning Production and Transformation
Movability and Altered Forms
Mutable Loci and Foci
Methods of Inserting New
Expansion and Waves
Relations Between Extra-Among
Measurements of Excess
What is why made of?
Where is who whoing from?
When will how cross over?
Sparsha | ~ The risks of contact ~ Arriving at the other | 1. Wherever there is contact, a new world spins into being. (No intimacy, no space; no space, no intimacy.) Yes, I will risk everything—I will make contact. (Every contact an arrival, every arrival, contact.) |
Sub specie aeternitatis | ~ The timeless in time ~ Embracing space | 1. To keep eternity at the corner of one’s eyes. 2. The seen returns to the unseen, the known to the unknown, the I to the I-less, eternally. |
Substantia | ~ Interbecoming ~ Universings | 1. The groundlessness of being: a. Everything becomes. b. Every becoming summons all other becomings. 2. The universe begins and ends in becoming. This is the boundlessness of being. 3. Enfolded by everything, every thing unfolds. (How can this be unless that becomes?) |
It’s You!
iS Idea boDy anD tHing And oR contingent and necessary Has greater and lesser thinGs As numberless as nUmber iT Aroused eMotion Attributable to no one | iS whIle boDy enDures nevertHeless necessArily expResses The Human cAnnot become somethinG eternAl bUt There remAins soMething eternAl | higheSt mInd anD undermind unDerstand tHings As moRe Things nothing Has necessArily knowledGe And edging throUgh The mindless As Mind eternAl |
Sukha | ~ Abiding in happiness ~ Freedom from good and evil | 1. Simply savoring the feeling of living. (Let the world in!) 2. Here we flow again! |
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